This year our group had sixteen people (Arlan, Jared, Tim, Shannon, Tom, Tony, Little Tony, Matthew, Dave,Scott, Nicole, Harlan, Haven,Tyler, Jeremy and Wyatt) with guests Scott Weiberg and wife hanging out with us often.

Youth Hunt - (Saturday, Oct 22nd) - Parker shot a doe (118 lb.) south of the grain bins on Eddie and Ole's. Shannon had his boys out for the youth hunt this year and Jeremy had his son out for the youth hunt as well.
Opening day (Saturday, Nov 5th) - Tim shot a doe in the morning . He said that he got the deer in the neck, funny thing is the hole is in the rib cage. He was at his house in his slippers when he shot the deer. Tony shot a buck on on the Nierson woods property.
It was a good weather all day, about mid 40s degrees and no snow, little wind. Some people stayed up to late Friday night though. Jared and Tom made breakfast for us.
On evening post - Jared shot a yearling buck on Elmer Rustan's hay meadow again - nice. Huh, this seems to be a hot spot for deer.
On Sunday the 6th - Weather this morning is about 33 degrees with a light wind and cloudy sky. the meatball dinner again. Thank God for the Nazareth ladies that feed us this each year!
Tom got a deer on his morning post.

Tom's deer

Wyatt shot a 8 point buck this evening (?? lbs.) south of grandma's old place (our hunting shack yard). It is his first deer.
Wyatt's buck walking around Wyatt's 8 point buck
It has been a cloudy day and snowed with icy roads in the afternoon. Nicole made cheeseburgers for all tonight. We have had a house full of people each evening with lots of social hour.
We had 6 deer hanging by the end of the weekend.
Deer hanging first weekend 2022

On Monday the 7th - It was clear skies and a nice day all in all.
Harlan shot 3 small deer over on Ole and Eddie property today.
Harlan's 3 deer hanging
Some of the crew had to return to work and several are off for the week. Even more of the farm work is already done this fall.
We had 9 deer hanging by the end of Monday.

On Tuesday the 8th - Still no snow.
Tony shot a 5 point buck (124 lbs.) on the south side of the Triangle piece from a ground blind this evening.
We had 13 deer hanging by the end of Tuesday. Tony's is the one closest (sorry no skin or head) and there are no more ropes from the ceiling.
This is what we have by Tuesday evening

On Wednesday the 9th - The weather this morning is 25 degrees and cloudy. We got some snow in the evening.
On Thursday the 10th - The weather this morning is 31 degrees and raining/snowing. Could get up to 12-14 inches in some areas.
First snow of 2021 season First snow of 2021 season
I spent some time working on the brakes on my Traverse and then put the snow plow on the truck for the winter. And I got a new window put in the newer trailer house in the deer shack yard - the trailer is not yet move in ready but it is at least clean and weatherproof.
On Friday the 11th - The weather this morning is 28 degrees and cloudy. We had a couple inches of snow on top of the 2 days of rain. It is very wet and sloppy. We possibly will cut up some deer meat today since we have lots and the weather is not good. I cleaned up the garage a bit and turned on the heat this morning.
Thursday night snow of 2021 season

On Saturday the 12th - The weather this morning was nice.
Tim made morning breakfast of pancakes, sausage and eggs. Then we went to cut up the deer by about 9:30am. We were done cutting by about 1:45pm - nice job.
Shack pic 1 Shack Pic 2
Shack Pic 3 Cutting up Deer 4
Cutting up Deer 7

On Sunday the 13th - Last day of our rifle deer hunting season for us. 20 degrees outside this morning with a high of 26 degrees, no wind today and mostly clear sky.
All in all this year we had 10 deer to cut up and share.
We moved into a newer trailer house for our deer shack this year in the same yard. We even had indoor toilet this year.
All weights are with the deer field dressed, hanging.
Eagle south of dad's house during hunt  Small buck & doe south of hunting shack in October

Small buck south of hunting shack in August  doe & fawn south of hunting shack in October

A few deer south of hunting shack in September
Our beer can collection is still on the wall