This year our group has sixteen people (Glenn, Arlan, Jared, Tim, Shannon, Tom, Morgan, Tony, Little Tony, Matthew, Dave, Scott, Harlan, Jeremy, Wyatt and Anna) with guest Scott Weiberg.

Opening day (Saturday, Nov 7th) - Matthew shot a 3 point buck (115 lb.) in the morning. Tony came by to assist Matthew with the deer as Matthew was working with his prize - Tony was glad to find out that, "I have never done a ....." Well they had a good bonding time and got the deer home. Dave was at a wedding of good friends in Minneapolis for opening weekend - Darn it.

Matthew's opening day deer
On evening post Tom (129 lb.) and Morgan (115lb.) each got a doe. Owen Chervestad was with them and he got a nice fawn as well.
Tom and Morgan's opening day deer
Owen's opening day fawn
By the end of day 1 we had 4 deer hanging in the quonset. It was a nice fall day from 37 to 50 degrees musch of the day.

On Sunday the 8th - We usually eat dinner at the Nazareth church on the opening weekend Sunday, but this year they had to cancel it due to the pandemic. We missed the meatballs and visiting neighbors. Tom got 2 deer on his evening post up north again, one was a fawn and the other was a doe (107 lb.) A few of us went to visit at the neigboring Lundeen hunting camp at the new (Eisbrenner's old place) farmstead.
We had 6 deer hanging by the end of the weekend.

On Monday the 9th - It is colder again this morning and the deer should be good today. It snowed in the forenoon. Tim found a 7 point buck (127 lb.) on his morning adventures before heading to work on the farm. Quinten, Brett and Dustin stopped by in the evening to visit - it was a good long visit. We had 7 deer hanging by the end of Monday.

On Tuesday the 10th - Fairly cold today. It was about 10 degrees this morning. We saw several deer and had fun talking about how we saw them and could not seems to get them. Many shots fired and many misses.
On Wednesday the 11th - Tim shot a small antlerless deer in the morning before breakfast.
Tim Wednesday morning deer

Deer hanging Wednesday morning

Arlan got a doe (103 lb.) on Wednesday evening in the southwest corner of our hunting shack land.
Arlan's Wednesday doe

Jared got a 5.5 point buck north of Elmer's place this evening.
Jared's Wednesday buck
Dave got a deer as well this evening.
Dave's Wednesday antlerless
Tony's son-in-law Auri brought over 2 smaller deer and a Texas wild hog to hang and process with us this weekend.
Auri's Wednesday fawns
Now we have 13 deer hanging in the quonset.
On Thursday the 12th - we saw deer but did not get deer. We had a relaxed day with not to much hunting. Scott and Renae Weberg headed back to California today hoping to stay out of storms as they pass through the mountains. I skinned a couple deer and have 4 more to skin tomorrow. The temperature got up to about 27 degrees today, no thaw.
This is what the quonset looks like now for deer
Deer hang by Thursday evening

On Friday the 13th - (Ahhhh, no not a Friday the 13th during hunting!!!) Harlan shot an anterless deer by the tire pile on Aaron's land out west this evening, it was a nice close shot for him.
Harlan's Friday evening deer

On Saturday the 14th - Woke up to 31 degrees this morning. Temperature rose a couple degrees during the night. It is windy. Shannon got an anterless deer this morning.
Shannon's Saturday morning deer

On Sunday the 15th - Last day of our rifle deer hunting season for us. We kinda took it easy and some of us met at the shack and visited. A few looked for deer in the evening. Dad and I sat in the stand south of the hunting shack, no deer there tonight. There was a lot of wind most af the day and it was overcast all day. Shannon and I will clean up the shack on Tuesday and make sure things are put away good until next season. We plan to cut up the last 4 deer next Saturday when Tom can help - him and Morgan had a possible COVID exposure and are keeping there distance from others for a while.
All in all this year we had 15 deer to cut up and a wild hog to share. Gonna be some good eating again!!
Bear on Sep 8th north of Arlan's house  Deer north of Arlan's house sep 15th

Elk (front) on Sep 8th north of Arlan's house  Elk (back) on Sep 8th north of Arlan's house