This year our group has fourteen people (Glenn, Arlan, Jared, Tim, Shannon, Tom, Morgan, Tony, Little Tony, Matthew, Dave, Scott, Jeremy and Wyatt) with guests Scott Weiberg and his wife.
Opening day (Saturday the 3rd) Tim shot two fawns as he was trying to get to his hunting spot up north. Dave shot a small deer (87.4#) as soon as the morning hunt start as he was walking to his stand. We had a joint effort getting an 8 point buck on the triangle piece – Shannon wounded it in the morning and after brunch we went back to search for it – Jared chased it to Jeremy at the point and Jeremy ended up shooting it (189.4#). Dave shot a couple more in the evening post and Morgan got two in the north woods. Scott W. got two deer today as well – he got a real big doe earlier then a nub buck later. Weiberg's second deer came to our shed with Scotty's tag. By the end of opening day we had 2 bucks and 7 anterless deer hanging. We hung out at the shack and had a good time eating chili and Renea's wild rice soup (time change tonight).
Tuesday the 6th. Snow day. We drove around a lot and saw no deer until about 4:30pm, then all the deer were out. We got no deer today.
Wednesday the 7th. 10 degrees this morning.
Thursday the 8th. Another cold/windy day, not good for hunting.
Friday the 9th. It is another cold day, woke up to 0 degrees. We did not hunt to much today. The deer are definately harder to find than at the beginning of season. The wind has been blowing for a few days now as well. Tim shot another deer again today.
Saturday the 10th. No deer were shot today either.